PlantStories: The Modern, the old, and the crazy in between!
PlantStories: The Modern, the old, and the crazy in between!
Season 5: Alcohol and Friends- Gin: Juniper in the Limelight
Gin is an especially botanical beverage, it's major selling point boasting the use of Juniper to make for a tasty beverage. So where did it come from, and how did the famous Gin and Tonic come about? Join us today as we talk about Gin, a European beverage infused with the taste of a strange conifer.
Juniper berries aren't really berries. Shocking I know. So what are they, and why do we use them in a beverage? Well their history makes them not as suprising a choice as you would think. And much like absinthe, came about relatively recently in the history of alcohol. Join us this week as we talk about a story of the Dutch, the British, and a whole lotta juniper, to get our hands dirty in the story about Gin.
Music Clips by Kevin Macleod at Incompetech https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/